Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mac OSX virtualenv instructions Install pip sudo apt-get install python-pip Install virtualenv sudo pip install virtualenv Create a dir to store your virtualenvs (I use ~/.virtualenvs) mkdir ~/.virtualenvs At this point you are all set to use virtualenv with the standard commands. However, I prefer to use the extra commands included in virtualenvwrapper. Lets set that up. Install virtualenvwrapper sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper Set WORKON_HOME to your virtualenv dir export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs Add to .bashrc ○ → which /Users//anaconda3/bin/ Add this line to the end of ~/.bashrc so that the virtualenvwrapper commands are loaded. . /Users//anaconda3/bin/ Exit and re-open your shell, or reload .bashrc with the command . .bashrc and you’re ready to go. Create a new virtualenv mkvirtualenv myawesomeproject to exit your new virtualenv, use deactivate. Switch between enviornments with workon To load or switch between virtualenvs, use the workon command: workon myawesomeproject You can read more about virtualenv here and virtualenvwrapper here. You might also want to look at this very similar (and probably better) python guide post.

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