Monday, September 26, 2016

Eclipse Java text editor color mods
For changing the default colors, there are some places that you have to look through in thewindow > preferences menu:
  • General > Editors > Text Editors (to set the background color / selection color, etc. for all editors)
  • General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations (to set the colors for the occurrences highlight, tasks, etc.)
  • Pydev > Editor (to set the pydev editor-related colors)
  • General > Appearance > Colors an Fonts (to set what's not available in the other places)

General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Selection Background Color

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Emacs: simpler Prelude Python setup????



Prelude includes a Python module, but if you look deeper you will see it just enablessubword-mode (to make word moving commands jump inside CamelCase words) and disables electric-indent-mode (to disable automatic indentation after a line break), which is not much (and you may even disagree about this setup!). If you would like code completion, refactoring, code hinting, code navigation, inline documentation, and more, Elpy is a good option. Installing it depends on two steps, as it has both a Emacs and a Python package. You can simply follow these instructions and be happy with a boatload of features! You will also need to install either Rope or Jedi (from the Python side), which Elpy uses for code completion. Rope appears to have better refactoring features, so that's what I use. Note that you have to install Elpy and Rope to a place on your default PYTHONPATH, which you can do by running pip install --user elpy rope. This will install the packages to$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Emacs: Prelude OSX python mode problem

Int he Emacs message window the following error occurs when I try to auto-indent in python mode: eldoc error: (error Eldoc needs an inferior Python process running)

Try execute run-python.
However, Python in Prelude is bare minimum. You should at least use Jedi:
Also install highlight-indentation from MELPA: