Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Atom Editor: setup


Use a Python virtualenv
 apm install linter
 pip install flake8
 pip install flake8-docstrings
 pip install jupyter

 apm install linter-flake8
 apm install hydrogen

start atom after using workon to select the virutalenv



apm install go-plus
apm install go-rename
apm install file-icons
apm install linter-golinter

go get -u github.com/jstemmer/gotags 
go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/...
go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint 
apm install terminal-plus 

The issue is addressed in the README.md of the go-plus package:
First of all, make sure autocomplete-plus is present on your setup. Go-plus provides autocompletion through gocode tool, so you should ensure it's in PATH and available.
If you can't get autocompletion for the user-defined packages working, while it's there for packages from standard library, it's likely a trivial gocode-related issue. Try running gocode set. Some expected output'd be: propose-builtins false lib-path "" autobuild false force-debug-output "" package-lookup-mode "go"
What you gotta do is switching autobuild to true, by running gocode set autobuild true. Check autocompletion now, it must be working right.