People spend time in corporations writing coding convention documents. Often they think in terms of an ideal world. Enforcing coding conventions creates friction on teams. Coding conventions should be light weight. Coding conventions should make the code easier to read, understand, maintain, and debug. Coding conventions should not add unnecessary overhead to the project.
Sun Microsystems published the above Java coding convention in 1999. Most of the convention is irrelevant since formatting is handled by Eclipse.
I don't completely agree with their code structuring conventions. The first
thing that their coding convention assumes is that programmers adequately
comment their code. Since we know that this is not the case you should at least
write code which is SELF DOCUMENTING. See below.
1. Embedding function calls inside of function calls may be
faster to code but makes the code more difficult to debug, read, and
understand. The code is also self documenting if the var names are descriptive.
Since people put limited comments in their code using descriptive var names is
the minimum requirement.
var = someMethod1(longExpression1,
Should be
descriptive_var = someMethod2(longExpression2, longExpression3);
var = someMethod1(longExpression1, descriptive_var );
Now when you step through the debugger you can see the return value for the first method.
Others who read the code can see what the descriptive_var represents.
2. Complex boolean equations should be broken down into
individual booelnas. The code is easier to debug, read, and understand. The code is also self documenting
if the boolean names are descriptive. Since people put limited comments in
their code using descriptive boolean names is the minimum requirement.
if ((condition1 && condition2)
|| (condition3
&& condition4)
&& condition6)) { //BAD WRAPS
Should be
// each var is descriptive and describes the condition
// each var is in effect a COMMENT
// the debugger shows the value of each boolean in the complex conditional expression
dv1 = condition1 && condition;
dv2 = condition3 && condition4;
dv3 = !(condition5 && condition;
dv4 = dv1 || dv2 || dv3;
if (dv4) {
3.This is nonsense. The best programmers I know declare vars
when they are first used in blocks not at the beginning of blocks. It makes the program easier to follow. You
don't have to jump around to see the type of the var. The program looks like a
dataflow/pipeline (data announces its arrival) and is easier to DEBUG.
6.3 Placement
Put declarations only
at the beginning of blocks. (A block is any code surrounded by curly braces
"{" and "}".) Don't wait to declare variables until their
first use; it can confuse the unwary programmer and hamper code portability within
the scope.
void myMethod() {
int int1 = 0; // beginning of method block
if (condition) {
int int2 = 0; // beginning of "if" block
4. Put vars in returns. Make the code self documenting and
return (size ? size : defaultSize);
Should be
int realSizeOfSomeObject = (size ? size : defaultSize);
return realSizeOfSomeObject;
5. There are some guys from MIT who completely
disagree with putting the else on the same line as the left curly }. They think the else goes on the line below the curly. I agree
with the MIT guys.
7.4 if, if-else, if else-if else Statements
The if-else class of statements should have the
following form:
if (condition) {
if (condition) {
} else {
if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {
6. No assignments in condition checks...
Do not use the assignment operator in a place
where it can be easily confused with the equality operator. Example:
if (c++ = d++) { //
AVOID! (Java disallows)